Suunto Games 2013

Latest news

Sunday results and split times and open orienteering results published. Even split time analyses and Route Gadget. Go to the result page.

Saturday results and split times and open orienteering results published. Even split time analyses and Route Gadget. Go to the result page.

Final start lists published. Please, note start times in some categories have been delayed because of the large number of late entries. Remarks to the information secretary Kari Sane sanekari(at)

All of you, who have informed us to rent an emit card or not told us its number, please, your emit card is available in the Info point. Check that the number of the card is the same as it is prinrted on start lists. If you , you, however, have an own emit card, please, visit Info point, so we can correct your emit number also in our lists.

Preliminary competition instructions published. The final instructions will be published at the event centre on Saturday morning

Old map is available. The map was used first time in Suunto Games 2004. However, the terrain is not greatly changed. Some thickets has formed and the others removed

Showers: Unfortunately we can't arrange showers in the event centre. However, we will recommend several swimming beaches in near-side area.

Images from the competition area taken by Raino Lampinen are available - Look more -

Terrain map of the whole area - Look the map -

Final entry published - Read more -

Road guidance and preliminary Public Transport connections published. There are bus connections from Espoo Station to Nettaa including only 10 minutes meter walking from bus stop to the event centre. - Read more -

Old masters still run fast to the finish

Suunto Games is one of the most remarkable early summer orienteering event in Finland. This year it is organised on 8th-9th June. The demanding courses in good terrain, experienced organisation and 1200 - 1300 runners guarantee its popularity year after year.

Suunto Games has presented to spectators in addition to their own competition exciting experiences with top orienteering (Finnish Top League in 2002, 2005 and Nordic Meeting in 2003). We believe that exciting moments will continue this year, too.

Foreign orienteers give an international atmosphere to Suunto Games

Competition centre is in Luukki - Pirttimäki area, some 25-35 km from the centre of Helsinki. It is reached by car less than 30 minutes north-west from the centre of Helsinki. Public transport connection is available, too.

Camping sites are in OITTAA (some 20 km from the competition center) and RASTILA (lesser 10 kilometers east from the centre of Helsinki, Nearest Metro station: Rastila only few hundreds meters).

Junior orienteers enjoy also in Suunto Games

Competition lasts two days. In both days all categories have an individual start.

All categories are available, even string courses for the younger orienteers.

Courses are middle distance on Saturday and long distance on Sunday.

Eager excitement - elite orienteers are starting soon

Terrain type is familiar for Suunto Games: demanding small features.

Map will be printed in spring 2013.

Open orienteering is available in both days. You can select among several different courses.

Course setter receives comments from the satisfied orienteers

Cafe, child-care and first aid services are available as usual.

Organisation: Chairman of the organisation committee: Jorma Kuparinen, course setters: Reijo Hyvönen and Raino Lampinen (children courses), information secretary: Kari Sane, email

Suunto Games speakers have a long tradition

More information will be available later on the web site of Helsingin Suunnistajat Look also the web site of the last summer Suunto Games 2012

Helsingin Suunnistajat and Suunto cordially welcome you again to Suunto Games

Jorma Kuparinen
Chairman of the Organisation Committee