Frequently asked questions

Updated 3.5.2016

What is the entry fee?

See the invitation page for full details of age class fees and also open class orienteering (equivalent for colour coded course) fees

Will there be any entry on the day (EOD)?

No EOD will be available for age classes. However, the open class orienteering (colour coded) courses (3, 5 and 7 km) use the same terrain and the same controls as in Suunto-Games.

Can I cancel my entry and get a refund?

Only if you cancel your entry before the end of the registration period.

How do I amend the class and other details of an existing entry?

Please, take contact to information secretary before the end of the registration period.

Can I hire an Emit card?

Yes, you can. Look the details on the invitation page

What are the start times each day?

Starts are 11am to 1:30pm on Saturday and 10am to 12:30am on Sunday with courses closing about at 3.30pm,

Will start times be allocated for open orienteering competitors?

They can start at any time on Saturday between 11am and 1pm and on Sunday between 10am and 12am.

Will there be a bus connection to the to the competition centre?

There will be a good bus connection very near (900 meters) the competition centre. More information here.

What facilities will the campsite have?

Details can be found on the campsite information RASTILA and OITTAA. Please, look the main page.

Will there be a crèche/kindergarten provided for young children?

Yes, we have a very nice child care. Besides it is possible for parents to request split starts.

What courses will be provided for very young children?

Unfortunately this year because of the difficult terrain it is possible that we couldn't arrage small children orienteering. More information later

Is there mobile phone reception?

Yes, that is OK.

Will there be traders at the competition centre where I can buy equipment?

Yes, there will be traders who supply orienteering equipment; this will be an excellent opportunity to upgrade your o-kit.

Will dogs be allowed in assembly area?

Well behaved dogs on a lead are welcome; owners are expected to clean up after them.